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Organizing sales and customs clearance of imported fruit and vegetables in Belarus KamgoriS Company, with more than 15 years of experience and expertise of working at the market of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of wholesale and retail trade of fruit and vegetables, offers foreign producers and exporters its partnership to enter the Belarusian fruit and vegetables market.
If you are interested in expanding your market channels, result-oriented entering the fruit and vegetables market of the Republic of Belarus, KamgoriS Company offers various mutually beneficial forms of cooperation to achieve your aims and result. Several forms of partnership can be provided according to your interests, the character and seasonality of your fruit and vegetables products: Joining the chain of traders that operate successfully at the market of the Republic of Belarus. KamgoriS Company can act as a major partner and representative who will be responsible for transacting the whole volume of goods, storing the basic assortment list of goods, logistics and mutual settlement payments with representatives of chain retailing. Wholesaling and retailing via truck stores at major wholesaling and retailing markets in Belarus. KamgoriS Private Enterprise acts as a goods receiver that is responsible for organizing sales in accordance with the prices and conditions of the Partner, considering the specific nature of market trade. KamgoriS undertakes to create and perform all the necessary conditions for organizing successful sales of fruit and vegetables on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. 1. Efficient and professional customs clearance of fruit and vegetables, including fulfillment, control and informing: - cost of customs clearance of all types of fruit and vegetables (including the size of due and payable customs duty, levies, VAT and other charges); - specific features of the customs clearance in the Republic of Belarus: calculations of indicative prices and their seasonal fluctuation, possibilities of duty-free imports and duties payment preferences, etc. - a check list of required documents for fruit and vegetables customs clearance consistent with the Customs legislation in Belarus, as well as samples of documents. 2. Contractual agreements and experience in cooperating with leading retailing chains in the Republic of Belarus. - Euroopt, Korona, SANTA, ALMI, Sosedi and others; - delivery logistics, dealing with acceptance claims, flawed and non-standard goods, return of goods; - inspection, certification, hygienic testing of fruit and vegetables; - timely payment of products, claims and disputes settlement. 3. Long history of market trade in the Republic of Belarus. - patterns of seasonal fluctuations of offer and demand on the market; - details of trade legislation of the Republic of Belarus; - subscription places in the largest fruit and vegetable market of Belarus - "New Lebyazhy" in the area of Tabory village, Minsk region (LLC TD Zhdanovichi); - experienced and helpful sales people; - retailequipment. KamgoriS clientage includes numerous businesses from Moldova, Ukraine, Turkey, Macedonia, Poland, Spain, Greece, Serbia and other countries. Direct phone number to begin successful cooperation: +375-29-675-56-78 If you want to receive further details, a reference list of our partners who we have established contacts with, contact us. If you are interested in sales and customs clearance of imported fruit and vegetables in Belarus, you can call at: tel/fax: +375-17-309-19-96 tel/mob: +375-29-675-56-78 Send your inquiry now Если вы хотите купить organizing sales and customs clearance of imported fruit and vegetables in belarus , вы можете:
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